Monday, October 20, 2008

Cuba Libre

s I got into updates right now, here're some photos from my August-September trip to Cuba. We toured all the 14 provinces and had an amazing time there.It was the best holiday ever in spite of the hurricanes. Hasta la victoria siempre!


Pinal del Rio




Retiring from PBP

Due to my recent lack of both time and inspiration, I decided to retire from PickleBerryPop. I am sorry to go, because Annette (the shop owner) is one of the sweetest persons ever :) All the items are 50 % off until Wednesday, then they're gone.

My last kit:
Fragile Things

Sale add:
PBP Bandwitch Limit Exceeded

Hiya, I am sorry but "Out of the Blue" is down until the next month because the bandwitch limit was exceeded. I suppose that the main reason were people hotlinking to the images on their blogs and in forum posts:/ Hotlinking is gonna be forbidden from November, but that won't help now. It's quite annoying right before the relase of the new album but I can't afford paying more bandwitch, so I temporarily forwarded the site to my blog. If there's any exciting news, I will post them here, so don't worry :) Anyway, guess who's getting The Loxian Games runner-up price for the most brutally honest tie-breaker? Yeah, it's the Lazy Kitty & Merciful Squirrel team! My favourite squirrel was kind enough to brainstorm over skype with me and crazy enough to submit what we came up with 1 hour before the deadline. Love her forever, I surely do.

New promo pictures:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back to designing

I finally found some time and inspiration and created 3 small treats for you :) Floral Fantasy and Blue Skies are handpainted watercolours, elegant wood is a reealistic alpha. All images are clickable and take you right to the shoppe.

Blue Skies Alpha
Elegant Wood Alpha
Floral Fantasy II

Friday, June 13, 2008

Korálková kráľovná

Do súťaže prišla kopa nádherných dielok, tému ste zvládli naozaj výborne :) Moje dve porotkyne Gofra a Mončiči sa zhostili ťažkej úlohy vybrať najlepšie dielko. Obe scrapom pridelili body (1-10), ktoré sa následne sčítali.

Víťazkou sa stáva Hawra, ktorej dielko získalo neuveriteľných 20 bodov.


Scrapíky, ktorým výhra ušla len o chlp:

Vaclav Neckar od Milky:

(18 bodov)

Dirty Dancing od Palvinky:

(18 bodov)

Zuzana Navarová od Zelwy:

(16 bodov)

Sean Connery od Rizulky:

(16 bodov)

Edith Piaf od Monci:

(16 bodov)

Všetkým ďakujem za účasť!

P.S.: Zvyšné bonusy rozpošlem dnes a zajtra :) Pokiaľ korálky ani cez víkend nedostanete, napíšte mi sem na blog, na DST alebo BabyCafe. Pri niektorých dielkach totiž chýbal kontakt alebo bol mail napísaný nesprávne. Ja vám ich vážne CHEM poslať!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Korálková súťaž


vyhlasujem sľúbenú súťaž o korálkové swirlíky :) Dostane ich každá zúčastená scraperka, ktorá splní pravidlá. Víťazka, ktorú vyberie neodborná porota, získa navyše 10-doláčový kupón do môjho obchodu na PBP. Takže hor sa na to!

Včera v noci ma osvietilo a rozhodla som sa, že je čas scrapnúť niečo iné ako svoje/cudzie deťúrence. Toť súťaž! Nechcela som byť príliš krutá, takže si môžete vybrať z viacerých tém.

a) obľúbená hudba (tu spadá scrap pesničky, koncertu, speváka, obal na cd, čo len chcete a je aspoň trochu k veci)
b) obľúbený film/seriál (nehodnotím ja, takže za Dr. Housa plusové body nebudú ;)

Upozorňujem, že sa jedná o vaše obľúbené veci, takže ločko "Náš malý Kristián zbožnuje Krtka pôrodníka" neprejde, aj keď bude úplne dychberúce.
Scrapík musí byť nový a vytvorený pre túto súťaž (kontrolovať to teda nebudem, nechávam to na vás). Nie je povinnosťou použiť materiál odo mňa, aj keď ho určite rada uvidím. Ale som si vedomá, že na drsné rockové ločko sa moja chobotnica asi nehodí :D

Odkazy na súťažné dielka píšte do komentárov k tomuto príspevku spolu s vašou prezývkou na BabyCafe alebo mailovou adresou (nech k vám môžem dopraviť cenu).

Termín odovzdania je do štvrtka 12.6. do polnoci.
Víťazku oznámime symbolicky piatok 13.6. :)

Odmena za účasť:

Fun with Beads

Pre inšpiráciu:
Sleeps with Butterflies
I don't mind a Dirty Girl
čerstvé výtvory s Tori Amos

Enya kompilácia
z útrob disku vyhrabaný obal na Enya kompiláciu, spatlaný ešte než som začala so scrapovaním

Monday, June 2, 2008

S4H Friendly & Fab new products

I decided to change my TOU and make all my products S4H/S4O friendly. You can find the updated version here.Yes, it does mean that if you bought anything from me: a) I'm very happy! b) You can use the stuff for S4H without additional fees!

I added these to my store. Hurry while they're on sale!

Splash! QPs
Splash! QPs

Sample LO:
Splash! QPs

Fun with Beads:
Fun with Beads

Friday, May 23, 2008

Splash! New Kit and Freebie

Woohoo, here's my newest kit. In the beginning, I was thinking about blue swirly doodles and a handful of corresponding papers but then it got of hands! But there're still loads of swirls ;) Everything was painted in ArtRage that'd come with my Wacom tablet. I am so much in love with the software, it's wonderful to work with.

SPLASH! Elements
Splash! Elements

SPLASH! Papers
Splash! Papers

Free SPLASH! Quickpage
Download QP
Download the QP!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

To Venus and Back

It seems that 6 hours I spent recreating my ACDSee database weren't absolutely lost cuz my scrapping muse is now back!!! It's funny: my desk is a MESS, but my harddisk is perfecly organised. My picture folder goes down to 5 levels...don't ask. I find it so much easier to scrap when I can see ALL my green grungy papers/ribbon circle frames/pressed flowers together and don't have to browse the kits one by one. These are my last efforts.

The photos were taken in winter and summer 2006. In January, I attended a language course in Bristol, UK and later that year went to learn some more English to Malta. My grammar got much better in Bristol and I bought a great stash of miniskirts in Valletta, so you see that both trip had their pros ;) I love travelling, I'd fly somewhere straight away if I could. I can't wait till August...bathing in the Caribbean, drinking strawberry daiquiri and seeing Havana *dreamy* Back to the topic, here're the layouts. I went for altered-grungy look, I'd also love to do some collage-like pieces. Btw, images link to DST, so you can read the credit and leave a comment *wink*



Thursday, May 1, 2008

Saturday, April 12, 2008

A Sorta Fairytale

My new elements:
Buy A Sorta Fairytale
Get the pack for $3.00 at PickleBerryPop.

Butterflies, flowers & swirls are already clustered and embellished, so you can get a magical effect in a few clicks :)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Floral Fantasy

I've created another new product and I am very happy with the result :) Flower Fantasy includes 9 hand-drawn doodles and embellished swirls.

Floral Fantasy
Get the pack for $2.25 at PickleBerryPop.

I've also set up a special offer for Think Spring: You can buy the elements and papers together for only $5.00 AUD. Normal price if items are bought separately is $6.75 AUD.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Great news + freebie!

Hiya, I have exciting news for you:
I am a new designer at PickleBerryPop!
Feel free to check out my shop :)

Apart from my brand new spring kit you'll be able to find the older freebies and challenge bonuses including the Pixie Dust papers.
Another wonderful thing is that all my items are 20 % off during the whole week!

"Think Spring" elements
Think Spring Elements

"Think Spring" papers
Think Spring Papers

Sample Layout
Sample Layout

A little gift for you
Download Freebie
Download freebie

Monday, February 11, 2008

On the Nile

Hi, I am back from Egypt. I really enjoyed myself, especially the Nile cruise. It was quite a new experience for me, as the longest time I'd spent on board of a ship before, was about 3 hours on the ferry from Holyhead to Dublin. Here's the first bunch of photos I took, most of them were taken straight from my cabin's window ;)

Tak som späť z Egypta. naozaj som si dovču užila, najmä plavbu po Níle, keďže na lodi som predtým strávila najdlhšie 3 hodiny na trajekte medzi Holyheadom (GB) a Dublinom. Tu je prvá várka fotočiek, väčšinu som odfotila priamo z kabíny cez okno. Taký výhľad by som hneď brala aj doma ;)


The Sand Dunes
The Sand Dunes

Sunset in Esna
Local merchants arrive to the holiday ships in small boats and throw their goods on board. Trying to throw the towels and dress back is a lot of fun ;)
Sunset in Esna

The town is famous for its huge dam and felukas (sailing boats).

Sail Away ;)
We boarded one of the felukas but as the weather wasn't windy enough, we got stuck in the middle of the river :D
Sail Away

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pixie Colour Challenge

Hiya, first of all thanks for the lovely comments on my freebies. They really bring a big smile to my face :) Some of you have asked about the colour challenge at Baby-Cafe. I realize it would be complicated for you to register there, because everything is in Czech. So you can send your layout directly to April. She's a sweetheart, isn't she?

1. Use the colour scheme by April.
You may use only two colours or all of them, but DON'T use any other colours. Black and white in a reasonable amount is fine.
2. Use at least one of my butterflies.
You can download them here and here.
3. Send your finished layout to April's email.
Her address is aprilmouse(at)baby-cafe(dot)cz
. She'll upload your LOs to the challenge gallery at Baby-Cafe and send you the bonus kit. Feel free to post a link to your work in the comments as well, so everybody can leave you some love :) But don't forget to send the email if you want the bonus kit!!

The challenge ends on Thursday, January 31.
Submit your layout by 5pm GMT!

Colour scheme
Colour Scheme for the challenge

Bonus for all participants
Pixie Dust

I am leaving for holidays in Egypt (yay!), so I won't be able to see your wonderful layouts until I return. I'll be looking forward to them.

Have fun!