Friday, January 11, 2008

Puntíky a Prach Škriatkov
Dots and Pixie Dust

Sadla na mňa nejaká choroba, tak som vyrobila sadu veselých papierov na zlepšenie nálady :) Sú inšpirované mojou sestrou Monikou, pre ktorú som nedávno vyrobila bodkované ločko.

I got ill so I made a set of happy papers to cheer myself up. They were inspired by my sister Monika, for whom I made a dotted layout.


Download Freebie
Download link expired

Na Baby-Cafe začala nová súťaž, ktorá potrvá do 31.1. Za účasť dostanete môj kit Pixie Dust. Podmienky súťaže sú jednoduché, stačí dodržať stanovenú farebnú schému, použiť jedného z mojich motýlikov a nahrať vaše dielko do príslušnej galérie na BC. Takže hor sa do tvorenia :)

There's a new colour challenge at Baby-Cafe. If you participate, you'll get my mini-kit Pixie Dust for free. Rules are simple, all you have to do is to use the given colour combo and one of my butterflies. The challenge ends on January 31. Read the rules in English.

Pixie Dust preview

Môj výtvor s pozadím a pár kvietkami z Pixie Dust:
My LO using BG paper and a handful of flowers from Pixie Dust:
Malá Lucka/Little Pixie


Anonymous said...

Luci to je naaaadherne LO!!! uz se moc tesim na tvuj bonus za Color chalenge a potim krev pri tvorbe LO do tehle souteze :-))) ale stoji to fakt za to, obzvlast kdyz vidim tohle LOcko ;-) opravdu moooc krasne!!!

dib said...

lucio, díky moc!! tvoje věci jsou překrásné, máš úžasný styl. těším se na další a přeju ti (aj si) ať tě to hodně baví.

Anonymous said...

Luci,rozbehla si sa užasným tempom,máč parádne veci.
Držim palce

Anonymous said...

Krásná práce, bude někde ke stažení, když už se nejde zúčastnit soutěže? Monika

Lucia said...

Monika, sutaz stale trva. Konci az 31.1., takze casu mas dost :)

Anonymous said...

this is my first time on your blog and I would really like to participate in the color challenge. I adore your mini kit Pixie Dust. However, I do not understand any Czech. Don't know what to do, don't know where to post my layout. Can you help me by giving me the direct links and other info? Or is there another way to " earn " the kit.
I would really really be happy with it :-))
Thank you
my email is chengie at gmail dot com

Dulce said...

I too love your kit and would like to participate, except I don't know the language can we maybe post out layout here in oder to earn the kit?
my email addy is
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Me 3! :) Your Pixie Dust kit looks awesome & I'd love the chance to earn it but I went to the baby-cafe site and didnt understand a word. Is there any chance we can just link you to our LO here please?

x.Krystal.x said...
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x.Krystal.x said...

Gorgeous kit! I am definitely going to participate to try and earn it!! I have the perfect pic for this color scheme as well, Im gonna start scrapping right away!! Thanks for explaining the instructions in english again!! =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your freebies! You have beautiful work. It is my first time also here. And I love your pixie dust I was inspired to do the challenge - my first ever color challenge! Just email my entry to April, Hope you have a good trip to Egypt and get more inspiration!

harmony graham said...

I love the pixie pages, but had no luck on the baby-cafe site as I was not able to read any of it. Please let me know how I can get the kit. I am willing to pay for it, also. Thank you!

Lucia said...

Harmony, I am glad you want to participate :) You can read the full rules in English here:

harmony graham said...

Thank you for your help & also for the quick response. I am very new to digital scrapping & am nervous about posting a layout. In order to receive your papers I am going to do it, though! Thanks again.

Leiarph said...

thanks for sharing this beautiful papers!