Monday, February 11, 2008

On the Nile

Hi, I am back from Egypt. I really enjoyed myself, especially the Nile cruise. It was quite a new experience for me, as the longest time I'd spent on board of a ship before, was about 3 hours on the ferry from Holyhead to Dublin. Here's the first bunch of photos I took, most of them were taken straight from my cabin's window ;)

Tak som späť z Egypta. naozaj som si dovču užila, najmä plavbu po Níle, keďže na lodi som predtým strávila najdlhšie 3 hodiny na trajekte medzi Holyheadom (GB) a Dublinom. Tu je prvá várka fotočiek, väčšinu som odfotila priamo z kabíny cez okno. Taký výhľad by som hneď brala aj doma ;)


The Sand Dunes
The Sand Dunes

Sunset in Esna
Local merchants arrive to the holiday ships in small boats and throw their goods on board. Trying to throw the towels and dress back is a lot of fun ;)
Sunset in Esna

The town is famous for its huge dam and felukas (sailing boats).

Sail Away ;)
We boarded one of the felukas but as the weather wasn't windy enough, we got stuck in the middle of the river :D
Sail Away